An Introduction
I have always been sensitive to certain foods. Rather, how different foods generate feelings and how my body reacts to it. Growing up as a kid I naively believed that most people felt the same types of things, had the same types of experiences for the most part and that somehow we are not too different from one another after all. As I grew up I realized that each person individually, is unique as the fractal pattern of a snowflake. No two people are exactly alike. Therefore, when it comes to food there is a vast range of differences and preferences. What works well for one person may not do so well for another. And there are many factors involved, such as DNA and cultural background. I have come to learn that regardless of preference for foods and other substances, there is a spiritual aspect that is often overlooked or simply never considered.
When it comes to what we eat and take into our bodies, the term “you are what you eat” comes to mind. I finally understand this term as it was conveyed from the perspective of spirit. We humans as a collective must eat to live, yet around the world there are those who perish from lack of food and those who perish from an over-abundance of food, but a lack of knowledge. I believe, that the evolution of our human species largely depends on the willingness to let go of the attachment (or even addiction) to food. Every person living at this moment in time and that has ever lived on Earth was born into a sacred body. I have come to understand how incredibly intelligent and resilient the human body is. I like to term the physical body as a sacred technology, because that is exactly what it is.
According to an article in Scientific American regarding cellular turnover in the human body; “in 80 to 100 days 30 trillion cells will have been replenished – the equivalent of a new you”. What you take into your sacred body is recycled to become your physical body, on a cellular level. It literally becomes you. In my view, there is no question but to be highly knowledgable about what is taken in by mouth, skin or other. Our physical body, the organic life form that is a bio technology, was created by design, and correlates with the natural world. Both nature and the human body is designated by the very observable fact that it consists of patterns and sequence, observable unity functioning in balance. When we begin to really observe nature and how there is a perfection there, one that consists of creation and destruction, shedding of old to welcome the new, geometric patterns in the very structure of everything that we can observe, and the perfect flow that when left to thrive uninterrupted can flourish and evolve the way it was intended.
The very same thing can be observed about us, the human being. When we start to take things into our bodies that are altered from nature, pharmaceuticals, substances or food that was derived in a harmful way – a way that hurts other beings, a way that goes against nature – eventually our bodies will cease to function optimally. This imbalance is deeply connected to the energetics of the food we take in, on a cellular level.
If we are thriving, we are growing and advancing in mind body and spirit. We have begun to awaken to the more and more obvious notion that much of our universal understanding of reality is simply not what we were taught. The world we grew up in is one built on layers and layers of ideas and theories. We as a collective have agreed upon certain ideas, which in turn has created the structure of the world we live in. An agreed upon idea, that only exists because was collectively accepted it, and passed it down generationally. It gets even more complex when we begin to unravel how these ideas and concepts got there in the first place. In many ways we have lost the original truth of the most basic aspects to life. To see the connection within us, to all living things and to one another as a species is to see that we were never separate. If we are thriving, it’s because we have to some extent or another, made this connection and inadvertently begun to follow our first brain (the heart). If we are thriving, we have shed the old societal programming, and begun to find the answers to our own questions, on our own accord. If we are thriving, we have connected the most essential dots; the connection we have to nature, and to all beings living in Creation.
How does food fit into all of this, you must be wondering. What we should eat, what diet or method is best? Diets like keto, carnivore, omnivore, vegan, raw, whole food plant based, gluten free, fasting – are only a few of the many topics actively debated today. It seems that one becomes a trend as fast as the another is falling out of trend. There are so many so called experts on podcasts asserting one method is THE way to go over another. Even going so far as to call out the order in which foods should be consumed during a meal. Some even claiming fruits and vegetables are unhealthy. It gets overwhelming as I think I’ve heard it all. Sadly, doctors have never been a good source for nutritional information because the 7/8 year intense education they receive conveniently leaves out nutrition as an important factor for healing.
Amidst so many options and distractions, there is one certain truth. That is; finding your truth and aligning it to your soul’s highest good. To come as close as possible to the true and pure nature of your soul (a fragment of God) is a calling only you can answer. Only you can discover what that is for yourself. We are all here having the life experience, as incarnated beings inside of a body. The mission is; have experiences, learn from them but don’t veer too far away from yourself. If you do, you become lost. And it’s challenging here on Earth, so many choices, so many distractions. But in the end only you can intuitively connect to what your body needs. Only you can access the knowledge and information it has to tell you. To know what way of eating is best for you, you must take the time to learn, listen, feel and see what works and what doesn’t. Eliminate laziness and convenience from the equation. The most relevant question is; would your soul (a pure being) be in alignment with contributing to the murder of other pure and innocent beings just to eat a sandwich? Below is a clip of Ekhart Tolle discussing how and what you are eating should not put you in a state of conflict internally. If there is any internal feeling going against morality by what you are eating or a question of whether the body is being properly nourished, then you are being given the answer. If you listen to your inner voice, it will never lead you astray.
What matters most to you? For me its the responsibility to be a better human being for my own personal growth, to then be able to contribute to the wellness of others. If a lot of us collectively make it our responsibility to work on our own individual inner state of being, then we can create a domino effect towards growth collectively. Being kind is great. But are you being kind in the way you are eating? Does it align with your true nature? Deep down, you know what that truth is for you. And more so, how does this translate to the spiritual advancement of our species? How does food impact our personal growth spiritually? Let’s take a look at the ultimate state of human enlightenment; The Rainbow Body.
The Rainbow Body
There is so much information to go over that I think its best to do a separate blog post specifically about this fascinating topic. But for now I will simply provide a simple explanation of The Rainbow Body, what it is, how it is achieved.
The Rainbow Body teachings are found in cultures around the world and is still practiced within Buddhist cultures today. It is specific to the Buddhist culture. Activating the Rainbow Body is only achieved by a complete devotion and surrender to the practice of understanding divinity. Once achieved, there is a complete dissolution of the physical body into light. To reach this elevated state, one must understand how to cultivate the qualities required to achieve this heightened spiritual experience. It is considered by many ancient cultures as the highest form of consciousness. A union between physical human being and the invisible divine. The rainbow body process involves the altering/changing of the physical body as well as the soul, whereas in some other forms of spiritual ascension only the soul is the focus.
A major factor required to begin the process: Eliminating what is taken into the body – such as animals and animal products. Eliminating alcohol, synthetic products and mind altering substances would be a given. After a certain amount of time in devotion to this way of being, one could begin to eliminate food altogether. When the vessel is clean, the goal in this spiritual practice of devotion is to then never have a “negative” thought towards anyone, anything, or yourself for a minimum of 13 years. A surrender to all that is. When this is accomplished, the body is able to transform. The practitioner can choose to change the body or leave it behind. This would seem like magic to us, but it has been documented to have happened. The photos of the Monks’ bodies (after they have chosen to leave their body) show a small shrunken body, the size of an infant. With only their head being the same size. Some leave no physical body behind, only the robe they were wearing. Observant villagers report the appearance of a rainbow, once the monk has left the body.
Lama Anchuk, was a revered master in meditation. He was known for the ability to leave hand and foot prints in rock, and when he died in 2011, his body shrank from 1.8 meters tall to 1 inch in size. Years before his death he was known to show signs of Rainbow Body. The photo to the left showing an image of light above a lotus flower was taken of him by one of his students. The phenomenon occurring in the photo was not visible at the time it was taken.
In a future blog post regarding this topic, I will provide detailed information which documents Tibetan monks that have achieved this state, and what has occurred during and after the Rainbow Body was activated. For the sake of not veering too much off topic, I simply mention this amazing topic to correlate with the subject here; how what we eat will largely determine the evolution of our species.
While we are as a species collectively evolving, I do believe we will come to a point in the near future where most of us realize we cannot evolve further unless we protect all sentient beings and nature on the planet. That one day we are so connected that to allow another’s suffering is the same as if we are the one that is experiencing it. And that the thought of consuming anyone’s body parts would cause shock amongst us. I do believe the time is coming when we will look back at our own evolution and wonder how and why humans could ever kill and eat the dead flesh of another being. Simply put, we are holding back our own spiritual evolution by allowing atrocities to continue. Evolve or repeat, it is really that simple.
While I am by no means implying that in order to live our best life, we must be striving to achieve the Rainbow Body and dedicate our lives to this. This is for most of us, in our current state, an impossible task. But if we have information, combined with the knowledge that not only has this been achieved, it provides us with an amazing insight into what is possible if we are willing to make changes to the old patterns. Old ways of life taught to us through history books, and not ways we have taught ourselves, through our own experiences. If The Rainbow Body could be a possible future reality for all of humanity, why not consider implementing some of the teachings from this now.
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